about me

Welcome to Happy Messy Home!  I’m Stephanie, a working mom of two toddlers just trying to figure it all out.   If you’re anything like me, you work hard but in your off time you want to give your sweet, crazy kid(s) your full attention.  But it’s really hard to do.  It turns out that kids want to eat all the time…and the laundry won’t do itself…and there is no cleaning fairy…and your husband/partner helps but struggles just the same…and LIFE. IS. CRAZY.

I started this blog as a hobby (ha! who has time for that?) but also as a way to consolidate all of the tips and tricks I’ve been picking up along the way, as I try to make this working mom thing, well…work!  Anything that saves me time or gives me more time with my kids is a winner in my book.  But I’m also striving for a simpler life, free of extra stuff that takes too much of my attention, when all I really want to do is roll around on the floor of our chaotic play room and build castles and play cars with my kids.

seeking simplicity, embracing imperfection

Because who has time to be perfect?

Thanks for joining me on this crazy journey!

Looking for where to start?  Try HERE.